DUI Lawyer Serving Denver, CO

Denver DUI Attorney – Providing Skilled Representation For DUI Charges For Over 20 Years

Denver DUI attorney

  • Our attorneys will provide you with honest legal advice and aggressive representation to fight your criminal charges.
  • Our award-winning law firm is recognized as one of the best criminal defense law firms in the Denver area.
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    Daniel M. Murphy, P.C. 4.7/5 stars – based on 15 reviews, so take a look at the testimonials left by former clients to learn more about what it’s like to work with our lawyers.
  • Unlike other lawyers, Attorney Daniel M. Murphy is actively involved in the Denver community and participates with Law Line 9, a volunteer-based legal service.

Denver law recognizes two distinct drunk driving charges: a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) charge is triggered when a driver registers a .08 percent or higher blood alcohol content BAC level, while a DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired) charge is triggered when a driver registers a .05 percent or higher BAC level (but less than .08 percent). A DWI or DWAI charge in Denver, Colorado, can have severe consequences, threatening your freedom, your financial resources, and your legal ability to drive. If you are charged in the Denver area with DWI or DWAI, it’s imperative to hire a good Denver DUI attorney at once. You’ll want to consult with Daniel M. Murphy, a knowledgeable, experienced Denver DUI attorney based in Denver. Dan’s career has focused on successfully representing DWI clients. Dan’s DUI criminal law expertise is invaluable, and his reputation is impeccable.


When you are pulled over by the police for suspicion of driving under the influence, you may be given a field sobriety test, including a horizontal gaze nystagmus test or HTN. The Horizontal gaze nystagmus test involves checking for the jerking or twitching of the eye muscles when the eye moves to the side. In a person under the influence of alcohol, the twitching may be pronounced and show up earlier. That is what officers are looking for when they administer this test. However, the problem with this kind of testing is that alcohol impairment is not the only reason why your eye muscles may begin twitching.

DUI attorneys in the state of Colorado recommend you speak as little as possible when you are pulled over for driving under the influence of alcohol. You can refuse to take the test, but it can be held against you, and you can be slapped with additional charges for refusing to take a test. Don’t make excuses, but if you fail the test, don’t admit to officers that you only had a couple of alcoholic beverages. These are the sort of mistakes that could have you playing right into an officer’s hands. Remember, officers aren’t interested in helping you get away without an arrest. They are aiming for a conviction.

It’s important to speak as little as possible, and leave the job of defending yourself to an attorney who is experienced in DWI law in the city of Denver, CO. An attorney will be able to ascertain whether all of the procedures for your DWI arrest are in compliance with the laws.


If you are a person convicted of a DUI, you can expect to pay a number of fees and penalties that include court fees, and lawyers’ fees. Besides, you have to pay for DWI education classes if these are ordered by a court in your case. You will also end up paying several hundred dollars to several funds benefiting victims and law enforcement. If you have your license suspended, you will have to pay reinstatement fees. You can also expect to have to pay higher premiums after you are arrested for a DUI. A DUI conviction will mark you out as a high-risk motorist, and that will be reflected in higher premiums.

A DWI can be expensive in more ways than one. You may find that it interferes with your future education prospects. Some colleges are not keen on accepting students with a DWI conviction on their record. You may also find that it interferes with your job. In certain occupations, a DWI conviction is enough reason to fire a person.

The financial consequences of a DWI don’t even include the loss of reputation and ensure that you can expect. There is widespread revulsion for drunk driving in society, and you may find that people lose faith in your judgment abilities or your trustworthiness after a DWI. If you were arrested for DWI, don’t lose time by waiting to call a Denver criminal defense attorney. Talk immediately to a Denver DUI lawyer about a defense. A Denver DUI lawyer will work to get charges against you lowered or dismissed.

Daniel is an incredible choice when considering a domestic violence attorney. He went the distance and then some to ensure I got the best possible outcome. He’s straightforward, does not mince words, and knows his law. I’m glad to have him in my corner. – Matt DeRosa


If you are arrested and convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol, then your eligibility for sentencing is determined by the court. However, the sentencing is not the same in every case. The sentencing could differ depending on a number of factors.

For instance, the judge may decide on a heavier sentence, depending on the blood-alcohol concentration, that you had at the time of the arrest. For a higher concentration, you may be eligible for tougher penalties.

If your DUI was also linked to an accident, then you are eligible for heavy penalties. Expect tougher penalties if you were involved in an injurious or fatal accident while driving under the influence of alcohol.

If your DUI was also accompanied by other undesirable driving practices, like speeding or driving recklessly on aggressively, you can expect the judge to take these factors into consideration too.

The law also punishes those who have been convicted of more than one DWI charge. A person who is convicted of a second DUI offense will be required to have an ignition interlock device installed in the vehicle that will prevent them from operating the vehicle if they are under the influence of alcohol. The device may have to be installed for as long as five years. For a person convicted of a third-time DWI offense, community corrections penalties will apply. If a person is convicted of a fourth time DUI, he will be charged as a felon.

Under Colorado law, you may have your mandated jail term for a DWI offense waived if you agree to undergo a DUI treatment program or an alcohol education program. For certain types of offenses, like those that involve high concentrations of blood alcohol or multiple DWI offenses, the requirement is approximately 24 hours of DUI education classes. The program can also include group therapy sessions and counseling. In a DUI education program or DUI class, participants are taught the consequences of destructive alcohol behavior and other aspects of alcohol use. These classes teach a person about the dangers of alcohol use so that they can avoid repeat offenses.

Besides the consequences handed down by the court, the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles conducts its own hearing about the status of your driver’s license. Your license may be restricted or entirely revoked. Obviously, if you must drive for work, school, or childcare, you need a positive result. Colorado DUI defense lawyer Dan Murphy can also guide you through the court and DMV hearings and help you achieve the best possible outcome.


With the prospect of incarceration for a DUI or DWI charge, you really must have a good Denver DWI attorney at your side. You need an attorney who will defend your legal rights while simultaneously working for the best possible resolution of the DUI charge against you. Denver DWI lawyer, Daniel M. Murphy has an impressive record of success defending clients charged with DUI or DWAI. He identifies the constitutional, legal, and factual issues impacting your case and considers the possible defense strategies. Dan works on every front to defend your rights and to discredit the prosecution’s case. Denver DWI attorney Dan Murphy will question why a law enforcement officer stopped you in the first place and what the officer observed. He may attempt to discredit the results of any field sobriety exams or any blood, breath, or urine tests that may have been conducted at the time of your arrest. Important legal issues are raised at every step of the arrest-and-booking procedure. Dan Murphy will find the weakness in the prosecution’s case and use it to your advantage.

You should know that if you are charged with DWI in Denver, the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles conducts its own hearing – separate from any DUI hearings – about the status of your driver’s license. Your license may be restricted or entirely revoked. Obviously, if you must drive for work, school, or childcare, you need a positive result. Dan Murphy can also guide you through the DMV hearing and help you achieve the best possible outcome.


Denver, Colorado criminal lawyer

Dan Murphy has experience defending clients in Denver County cases involving DUI, theft, marijuana possession, and other drug crimes. Denver DUI attorney, Dan Murphy will fight to have your DUI, or DWAI charges dismissed entirely or to arrive at the best possible plea bargain agreement. Should those options not be available, Dan will help you compile the evidence and witnesses you’ll need to go to trial. Dan Murphy is known for always going the extra mile for his DUI clients. Dan also defends clients accused of other alcohol and drug-related charges, including DWI (driving while impaired), DUID (driving under the influence of drugs), boating while intoxicated, alcohol-related vehicular assault, and vehicular homicide as a result of drunk driving. With over 25 years of experience, Dan Murphy knows how to defend you against these charges. He will thoroughly review your case, answer any questions you may have, and then provide you with personal legal advice. Please schedule your free consultation with Daniel M. Murphy today!